All or … Something?

Smiling Personal Trainer Exercising on Stationary Bike in Seattle, WA.

Exercise is an important part of maintaining good health and wellness, but it can be difficult to make it a consistent part of our lives. Many of us struggle to find the time, energy, or motivation to exercise, and we may feel that we need to push ourselves to the limit in order to see…

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How to build a workout program

Tattooed hands writing in journal

When building a workout program we can easily get lots in the nuance and details of specific goals and methods. My goal with this article is to help you piece together a safe and effective program to get started. Programs do need to be updated as you progress and ideally should consider your goal. So…

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Goal Setting: You’re doing it wrong

close up of a man writing in a note book

Every week I talk to a handful of potential clients about their goals. Almost always they are completely vague and non descriptive. “I just want to be active”, “I want to tone up”, or “I want to be healthier”. Goals that look like these are great in theory but there is one main problem. You…

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Personal Trainer Demonstrating a GHR Sit Up

Have you ever asked yourself “am I training hard enough?”. Well today we are going to talk about training intensity. How hard should you be training, when should you train less hard, what is the goal behind each? If you’re anything like my clients you may have taken a group exercise class and been dripping…

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How To Become Less Stiff?

a man doing exercise in a gym

Are you someone who would describe themselves as a little “stiff”? You’ve probably taken a yoga class one time only to be a bit intimidated at the intensity of some of the poses so you’ve decided “I’ll just stretch on my own. You’ve probably also heard you should walk 10,000 steps a day. But is…

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a woman exercising in a gym

One of the biggest reasons I hear that people avoid the gym is the fear that goes “I’m afraid I’m not doing it right and other people will think I’m dumb”. My goal is to help you get over that fear so that you can claim a life of your choosing and your life will…

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a man writing in a notebook

Making progress in the gym is simple, but its not easy. Congratulations! You made it to the gym. This is a huge first step that shouldn’t be taken likely. You’ve even taken a few steps to ensure that you’ll be more successful this time. You have a meal plan in place, you purchased a 12…

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a man warming up for squats

Squats can absolutely be tricky to get down. Focusing on the appropriate mobility and stability drills prior to training can improve your likelihood at performing well coordinated squats.  Check out this video for a sample Warm-up for Squats: When we are designing an effective warm-up for squats we want to pay attention to the Hips…

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Davis Fitness Method

Deadlifts! Some people love them, others swear them off entirely. So what gives? Should you do them? First off Deadlifts are really just a hip hinge. That being said they are intended to help you directly load your glutes and hamstrings. Whether or not you choose to deadlift there will come a time in your life…

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Davis Fitness Method

“Nah man, I can’t do anything besides LISS Cardio because HIIT burns muscle” Have you ever overheard this conversation in the gym? Or maybe you heard it mentioned in a popular internet blog? The logic here is that it is suggested that you have an anaerobic system (functions without the presence of oxygen) and you…

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