The Secret to making Fitness Simple and Sustainable – Finally!
Personal Training Studio in Downtown Seattle
720 Seneca St, Seattle, Wa 98101
The Inspiration
The inspiration behind the Davis Fitness Method was born from witnessing people close to us struggling to find effective sustainable solutions for improving their health and well-being.
The Davis Fitness Method was created to alleviate this confusion and provide a clear path to success by combining research, practical experience, and personalized assessments of clients' lifestyles.
I've been into fitness for over a decade. Hitting the gym, lifting, cardio, diet. Tried all the shortcuts and hacks; Atkins, keto, intermittent fasting- all with varying degrees of success. Never have I seen the results that I've seen with Steven. The dude takes all comers, listens to your goals, and delivers results. Period. I challenge anyone to find a more knowledgeable, more inspiring, more skilled trainer than Steven.
You know those trainers you see at your gym who look sloppy and soft and you wonder if they've ever even worked out and do all the helicopter coaching standing right over you but can't tell you why it is you're doing what you're doing?? Well Steven is the exact opposite. He's ripped and can answer just about any question about what he has you doing and why he has you doing it.
He's not going to watch your every single set of every single exercise; but he's going to watch you until you get it right, guide you towards corrections, and continue to tweak and adjust your workout as you progress.
If you like to geek out on fitness (like me) he can tell you all about FRC or Palumboism or why certain diets haven't been working out for you.
He's also just a cool, kind, down to Earth and humble person who I've never seen or heard make anyone feel stupid or bad for not knowing something about fitness.
Like with anything else, you'll get out of it what you put into it. Steven is like one of those big corporate 401K plans; he'll match your effort every step of the way. You give a hundred, he'll give you a hundred. You reach out via text, he'll reply. You need him to accommodate an issue (and you're polite about it), he's got your back.
You got an injury? Think you CAN'T do something? I've had "back/hip issues" for years. Never thought I could do a squat or a deadlift. Nah son, Steven helped me with that too.
The environment is CLEAN (can't stress that enough), SAFE (mask and temperature check required), and it's fun.
Without a doubt working with Steven and the Davis Fitness Method has been an amazing experience. I've learned more in 5 months than I have in 15 years listening to every meathead I've come across in the gym who thought they could teach me something just because they could bench 250.
I know I've written too much but dude has literally reignited my passion for fitness and working out in way I didn't think possible.
The best gift you can give yourself is good health and a great body. I've been at this since I was 22 (I'll be 40 in December) and investing in the RIGHT personal trainer is the best decision I've ever made.
If you're thinking about a personal trainer, or your "New Year/New You" plan has gone off the rails, or you're just like "damn, this dude is really on one about Davis Fitness Method..." hit him up.
Alright, I'm done. Holla at him.
Stevens commitment to fitness is contagious and that truth is magnified as soon as you step into Davis Fitness Method. Yes the equipment is fantastic but when you enter you realize you haven't entered a gym. This is a mans visionmmanifested in real time. Every piece of the space is intentional and the ambience is brooding yet inspirational. Everyone enclosed is there to engage their goals with the tools gained by being apart of the Davis Fitness Method.
-Michael Boyd
I only wish I had started sooner. I had been training for a year by myself and started from barely being able to do knee pushups. I made a lot of progress in a year but the progress I made in 4 months at Davis Fitness Method was SO much faster. I grew a lot.
Davis Fitness Method truly teaches you to work smarter not harder. Quality over quantity. I learned not just what progressive overload looks like week after week but how it *feels* and how different it can actually look in practice.
There is no one size fits all which was the mistake I made while training solo, I followed a very generic program online so I wasted a lot of time, had no focused goals and no one to check my form. I wish I had just started with a coach first to bypass all of that uncertainty and wasted energy from the start.
I didn’t just learn about training, I learned about trust, following my intuition and taking ownership. Conversations go beyond just physical training, it’s about a whole lifestyle and shifting your mentality, I definitely felt supported and safe here.
- Kay
Steven has been my saving grace during the pandemic. I started training in the summer of 2021, and I am so proud to be his client. Every Tuesday/Thursday, I start my day off right by working out in the gym, meeting goals, and feeling great. I appreciate his approach to rest and output. Before working out with Steven, I always went for extremes and ultimately landed back at square one. With Steven, we had a gradual approach of getting incrementally better and making sure I was monitoring my stress. I am happy to report that I now wake up with joy before coming and working out with him. He also cares so deeply for his clients and is checking in to make sure we're all okay--it feels like a little family. I was recommended to Steven by some of his other clients, and I've recommended other folks to work with him too. Truly the ultimate low stress, high reward place to train. Thanks to Steven, I'm very proud of my progress, and I can't wait to see what goals I reach next!
The Method
We have crafted a unique system that allows you to achieve your fitness goals without the frustration that often occurs in normal training programs.
We believe that every individual is unique, and their training should reflect that.
We begin with our Functional Movement Screenings and StrengthConsultations that help us tailor exercises to your
body's specific needs.
This intake process allows us to learn about your motivations, triggers, and sustainable training frequency to create a program that prepares you for anything life throws your way.
By utilizing specialized tools and advanced training knowledge, we offer a training experience that leaves your body feeling engaged and energized. Our educational portal provides lectures, documents, and
videos to further support your fitness journey.